Bounty program

1. What is the GoMining Bounty Program?

The Bounty program is a way to earn GOMINING tokens by completing various tasks. Participants accumulate points, which determine their share of the prize pool at the end of each cycle and epoch.

2. Who can participate?

Any user registered with GoMining can join the Bounty program. Owning a miner is not required—just log in and click the "Participate" button in the Bounty section.

3. How to get started?

  1. Register with GoMining (if you don’t have an account yet).

  2. Log in and click the "Take part" button in the Bounty section in your profile.

  3. Complete tasks, earn points, and receive GOMINING tokens!

4. How are points calculated?

Points are awarded for completing tasks within weekly cycles. All points earned by participants in a cycle are pooled and used to distribute the weekly prize fund in tokens

Points accumulated across all cycles in an epoch determine the final prize pool distribution, with the epoch leaderboard continuously summing up points earned throughout the epoch.

5. Cycle rewards

The Bounty program consists of epochs, each epoch consists of cycles. One cycle lasts one week and aligns with veTokenomics cycles.

Each cycle distributes 10,000 GOMINING tokens. At the end of each cycle, the prize fund is allocated among participants based on their contribution to the total points.

The number of tokens per point is calculated as follows:

Cycle prize fund / Total points earned by all participants in the cycle

The cycle leaderboard resets every week. The number of tokens distributed in future cycles may change, but we will announce any adjustments before the cycle begins.

6. Epoch rewards

An epoch includes multiple weekly cycles. The first epoch distributes 1,000,000 GOMINING tokens.

Points accumulated across all cycles in an epoch determine the final prize pool distribution. The epoch leaderboard accumulates points throughout the epoch.

The number of tokens per point is calculated as follows:

Epoch prize fund / Total points earned by all participants in the epoch

The number of tokens distributed in future epochs may change, but we will announce any adjustments before the epoch begins.

7. What tasks are available?

At the launch of the Bounty program, tasks are available in two categories:

  1. Referral-Based Tasks: These tasks are tied to the Referral program and involve bringing in new users and their purchases. In addition to earning Bounty points, you will also receive standard referral rewards.

  2. Telegram-Related Tasks: These tasks require linking your Telegram account and are completed within the GoMining Telegram community.

Some tasks may have limits on the number of times they can be completed per cycle or epoch.

Stay updated on the latest available tasks in your GoMining account.

8. What has changed for existing participants?

Don’t worry — everything you completed before the bounty pause still counts! To make up for the break, we’re extending the first bounty epoch by 11 weeks, now ending around June 17 2025.

To continue participating, existing users must re-register for the Bounty program. To do so, log in to your GoMining account and click the "Take part" button in the Bounty section in your profile.

Points from past cycles will be included in the epoch leaderboard, but new points will only accumulate after re-authentication. Task history will not be transferred, but leaderboards will be preserved.

9. What happens if a user is banned?

We make sure everyone follows the rules. If GoMining spots small violations, the user will lose points for that cycle.

If there are serious or repeated violations, the user will be banned from the bounty program. In this case, the user will lose all points for the current cycle, and points from previous cycles will be removed from the leaderboard. The user will no longer be able to participate in the Bounty program.

Last updated