Miner Wars
1. What are Miner Wars?
Miner Wars is a game available to all digital miner holders from the GoMining ecosystem. It provides users with the opportunity to unite and compete both between Clans and in individual battles. Numerous game mechanics that players use increase the chances of winning.
Players can earn 2 types of rewards:
BTC in battles between Clans (available in the Starter League and Pro League)
GOMINING tokens in individual competitions (available only in the Pro League)
Miner Wars are designed to simulate real mining and depend on your Clan’s computing power. The more computing power your Clan has, the more likely it will mine the current block. The games provide digital miner owners with the opportunity to compete in rounds and actively influence the outcome through the use of various tactics and game mechanics.
2. How to start playing Miner Wars?
To start battling and receiving BTC/GOMINING rewards, you need to:
Download GoMining, our app, and register. Use the desktop version if it’s more convenient for you
After registering in the ecosystem, select Miner Wars in the main menu
You will need a digital miner to play. Try out a free Bonus miner and fight for BTC with the same users in the Starter League. Or create/buy any digital miner on the GoMining Marketplace and use all the features of Miner Wars in the Pro League.
With our calculator, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself: compare how different power and energy efficiency affect the final mining rewards, estimate the miner’s payback period, and see what your mining rewards will be at different BTC prices.
Miners with any amount of TH can participate in Miner Wars but more powerful versions increase your Clan’s chances of taking the block, influence the distribution of your rewards when you win, and boost your chances of receiving GOMINING tokens more frequently in individual competitions
Join an existing Clan or create your own
Please note that once you join or create a Clan, you will receive rewards only for playing in Miner Wars. This means you will not receive BTC for Mining Mode for the day you switch to Game Mode, even if you play just one round. Switching to Mining Mode means you’ll begin receiving BTC rewards for holding miners starting the next day. Additionally, if you earn rewards during the week of the mode change, you’ll receive all rewards for Mining Wars earned in that period.
3. What is a Clan, and how to choose one?
Clans are teams created by digital miner holders who join forces to compete in Miner Wars.
In the Starter League, anyone can create a Clan. In the Pro League, this function is available for users with Gold I+ VIP status (100+ TH or 1000+ votes).
Also, in the Pro League the Clan Owner receives a 5% commission of the GOMINING tokens won by Clan members, can invite others to join, accept or reject membership requests, and remove members as needed. The Clan Owner can choose to play solo and is not required to invite anyone to the Clan.
A Clan’s total power is the key factor in determining victory. The higher the combined terahashes, the faster the Clan will accumulate its score, boosting the chances of receiving BTC rewards.
To join any of the existing Clans, you need to select one. You will be given a list of all the teams.
To choose the right Clan, review all the important information:
The total power will show you how often this Clan can win
The number of participants will indicate the popularity of the Clan among players
The number of rewards will be an indicator of the Clan’s success in Miner Wars
Note that BTC rewards for winning are distributed among Clan members based on their individual power. If you join a large team with relatively few terahashes, your share of the winnings may be insignificant. You need to decide for yourself which Clan suits you best. A more powerful Clan will often win, which can bring you many small rewards. Teams with a small hashrate also have a chance of winning, but it is much lower. However, in the case of such a victory, your share will be much larger, which can bring you a large amount of rewards at once.
Clans can be private and public.
To join a private Clan, you’ll need to wait for the Clan Owner’s approval. Please be aware that your request might be declined.
If the Clan is public, you will become a member automatically after submitting your application.
4. Miner Wars & Leagues
There are 2 leagues available to users.
Starter League:
With only a Bonus miner, you can play in the Starter League. Here’s what awaits you:
An efficient miner with a computing power of 16 TH/s will help you fight for bitcoins
You can join an existing Clan or create your own without any restrictions
Only Clan competitions with BTC rewards will be available here. To withdraw your accumulated bitcoins you need to purchase any digital miner
You can get acquainted with how the game functions, understand how Miner Wars works, and discover like-minded people with whom you can create an effective Сlan in the Pro League
Round multipliers will increase BTC rewards
What maintenance discounts are available in the Starter League?
Service Button — a cumulative discount. The more days in a row you click on the button, the greater your discount. For each consecutive day, you receive a 0.3% discount. The maximum discount value is 3% (10 clicks in a row). Players receive a score boost for one round per day when their Service Button is active. The number of additional points is calculated using the following formula:
Boost = x / 7 * 600
Where x is the number of the player’s TH/s
VIP discount — for 16 TH/s, which the user will temporarily have with the Bonus Miner, a discount of 0.6% is provided.
In the Starter League, you can’t:
use boosts and spells
participate in individual miner battles
receive an additional discount for paying for the maintenance in GOMINING tokens
As long as certain conditions are met, you’ll have the chance to extend your ownership of the Bonus miner and switch to the Pro League. To do this, you will need to buy/create any digital miner on our Marketplace.
When completing tasks, the Bonus miner will also stay with you for a while (terms and period of ownership may change as this feature improves). It will increase the total power of your mining farm by 16 TH/s.
Using a Bonus miner is optional. You can create a digital miner and jump straight into the Pro League.
Pro League:
What opportunities does the Pro League provide?
Miner Wars will take place not only between Clans but also between individual digital miner owners
BTC rewards for Clan victories and GOMINING tokens for winning personal battles
Enhanced game features: you can use boosts and spells to increase your chances of winning
Round multipliers will increase rewards in both Bitcoin and GOMINING tokens
Clan owners receive a 5% commission of the rewards in GOMINING tokens, won by Clan members
What maintenance discounts are available in the Pro League?
Service Button — a cumulative discount of up to 3% and an extra round score boost with the same conditions as in the Starter League. When calculting BTC rewards, we apply the discount accumulated by 12 am on Tuesday, so don't forget to click the Service button throughout the cycle
VIP discount — the discount amount varies depending on the number of TH or veGOMINING votes owned. Players will receive a 0.3% discount for the Bronze II VIP level and a 6% discount for the maximum Elite level. During the time of ownership of the Bonus miner, it will add an extra 16 TH/s to the player’s farm, which can also increase the discount
Maintenance discount for payments in GOMINING — this is the largest discount available within our ecosystem. By choosing to pay for maintenance not with bitcoins, but with GOMINING tokens, you can receive a discount ranging from 1% to 20%, depending on the amount of tokens you hold in your wallet for this purpose.
5. What is a round?
The game consists of rounds. The beginning and end of the rounds are determined based on the real Bitcoin blockchain.
In the real world, bitcoin mining is essentially a reward for finding (calculating) the next block in the chain. The point of our game is very similar.
We keep track of the real blocks in the Bitcoin blockchain, receive block closure data and, in the meantime, close our game round.
Round times may vary because the closing time for a real block is always different. This adds an extra level of intrigue to the gameplay. We are able to calculate that players take part in between 120-150 game rounds each day.
A round ends when our server receives confirmation of a real block closure in the Bitcoin network.
The start of a new round begins instantly after the end of the previous one.
6. Round Multipliers
Each round is assigned a multiplier, depending on how many blocks are mined simultaneously. The multiplier boosts your rewards accordingly and can increase them by up to x256.
The multiplier in the size from x1 to x256 is determined at the beginning of each round. In fact, this is an indicator of the number of blocks won at one time. That is, if a clan/player, for example, won a round with an x32 multiplier, then this counts as 32 rounds won.
Since the prize pool is limited, the multipliers only affect the weight of each round in the distribution. This means that if there were 129 rounds during the day, 128 of which had a x1 multiplier and were won by Clan A, and one round had a x128 multiplier and was won by Clan B, then these clans will receive half of the total prize pool each.
Rounds are played with multipliers x1, x2, x4, x8, x16, x32, x64, x128, and x256. The average coefficient for the multiplier is x2 (this value can be changed). So, the approximate sum of all multipliers per cycle will be 2 times more than the number of rounds.
Multipliers are applied both in Clan competitions and in personal battles.
7. Game mechanics
The main task for players is to accumulate points throughout the round. Each player has a personal score that accumulates in rounds automatically every second based on the sum of TH/s of all their miners. The Clan Score is the total of each Clan member’s personal scores.
The more points, the greater the chance of the clan to “mine” the block, and for an individual miner to win in a personal battle.
There are 3 factors that affect the number of points in a round:
1. The current number of TH/s owned by each player. Every second, the score increases by the number of TH/s the user has. For example, if the user has 100 TH/s fixed at the start of the round, this player will receive 100 points per second until the end of the round
2. Tasks that increase the activation time of the Bonus miner. An active Bonus miner will bring the user 16 additional points per second
3. Spells. Paid time effects influence either the rate of points collected or the final total of user points in the current round
8. Boosts and spells. How they work
Users can enhance their accounts using special boosts, such as:
Power Boost
This standard boost adds an extra points per second to the user’s personal score until the end of the round, which can make a massive difference. The amount is written on the boost itself and can be changed from cycle to another.
Power Boost 10x
This super boost will also give the player an additional points for every second until the end of the round. Power boost 10x is 10 times more powerful than the regular Power Boost.
Score Boost
Particularly useful for short rounds and for making a final push before a round ends, this Score Boost instantly adds points to the user’s personal score
The player can use any boost at any time during the round. The user’s score for one used Power Boost per round is based on the following formula:
Personal score = (RL * TH) + ((RL-BT) * X)
The user’s score for one used Power Boost 10x per round is based on the following formula:
Personal score = (RL * TH) + ((RL-BT) * 10X)
RL - Round Length is the number of seconds in a round
BT - Boost Time is the number of seconds that have elapsed since the start of the round at the time of the start of the boost
TH - the user's hashrate
X - a set of extra points per second, which can change from cycle to cycle
Using power boosts will have the same effect as if a miner with corresponding power was added to your mining farm during the round.
9. Who wins and how
There are two prize funds in the Miner Wars: in BTC for competitions between Clans and in GOMINING tokens for personal battles.
At the close of the round, we count the score of each player. Then we count the score of each clan:
clan’s score = ∑ personal score
Where ∑ personal score is the sum of all personal scores of the clan’s players.
In each round, two winners are determined: a Clan and a separate miner.
The winning clan
Once the clan score for each Clan is calculated, we calculate a winner.
1. We take the hash of the closed block and convert it to a value in decimal notation
For example, if a block is closed with a hash equal to 0000000000000000000002d306eca5333c80bce42c57cdfa32398e599d5519cc460.
Its value in decimal notation is 270516535066034331572171579187041234861424580702815328
2. At the same time, the system calculates the total score and randomly distributes all the clans by intervals. The position of each clan for the interval table is calculated randomly each round.
total score = ∑ clan’s score
Clan’s interval consists of start and end values:
clan’s interval start = previous clan’s score end clan’s interval end = ∑ previous clan’s score + your clan’s score
For example, there are three clans in the game: Clan A, Clan B, and Clan C.
Clan A has 40,000 points (clan’s score). Clan B has 60,000 points. Clan C has a score of 75,000. The interval table looks like this:
Clan’s score
Clan’s order
Clan’s interval start
Clan’s interval end
Clan B
Clan A
Clan C
Total score
3. Find the quotient by dividing the hash in decimal notation by the total score.
In our case, the quotient from dividing is
270516535066034331572171579187041234861424580702815328 / 175000 = 144064
4. Look for the interval, which contains the value of the quotient of division, and determine the winner.
144064 is between 100000 and 175000, which tells us that Clan C is the winner of the round. So it has mined the calculated block.
Miner Wars last indefinitely as long as the Bitcoin blockchain works and its blocks are mined by real mining pools.
The winning player
The exact same scheme is used to determine the personal winner. Here the system sets sorting users according to random intervals within their clan.
Let’s look at the example of the winning clan C.
Let’s assume that there are 3 members in the clan: James, Felicia, and the Clan’s owner Patrick. For convenience, let’s decide that each of them has one digital miner.
As we remember, the interval of pool C is from 100000 to 175000. Within this interval, users and their miners are positioned as follows:
Personal score
Miner order
Player’s interval start
Player’s interval end
Clan’s score
We look at whose interval the necessary value of the quotient of division (144064) fell into. This is Filicia’s miner, so she will take the reward in GOMINING tokens for this round. At the same time, Patrick will take 5% of the tokens won, since he is the owner of the Clan.
10. Distribution and accrual of rewards
Miner Wars rewards are awarded once a week. The calculation takes place at 12 am UTC every Tuesday.
BTC Rewards
The BTC prize pool consists of bitcoins, which were mined together by all miners playing Miner Wars.
The BTC prize pool is formed every Tuesday, taking into account all the multipliers that were played in the game cycle.
The amount of BTC that will be distributed for each round is calculated using the following formula:
round reward = current round multiplier / total number of multipliers in the cycle * BTC prize pool * (Round power / average round power in the cycle)
The BTC prize pool is distributed among all Clans that have won at least one game block in a week (from 12 am UTC on Tuesday to 12 am UTC the following Tuesday). The calculation is based on closed rounds for the period. The sum of all blocks is determined by the sum of all multipliers of all rounds won by the clan.
"Round power / average round power in the cycle" ratio is close to 1 and slightly change the reward depending on the difference between the total TH/s in the current round and average TH/s among all rounds in the cycle.
BTC rewards are distributed among the clan members according to their share of power within the current round and DO NOT DEPEND on personal final scores.
It is important to remember that maintenance fees are deducted from each BTC reward. The maintenance fees consist of the cost of electricity consumed by real miners and their maintenance in data centers during the whole 7-day cycle.
The cost of maintenance fees for each round is calculated as follows:
Round electricity fees = ((kilowatt Hour * 24 * 7)) * Round power * EE) / 1000
Round service fees = 0.0089 * 7 * Round power Where:
Round power is the amount of TH/s in a round
EE is an indicator of the energy efficiency of your digital miner
Thus, the cost for a specific digital miner from the list of round winners will be calculated as follows:
Digital miner Electricity fees = (Round electricity fees / Multipliers count * Round multiplier) * (Digital miner TH / Clan power)
Digital miner Service fees = (Round service fees / Multipliers count * Round multiplier) * (Digital miner TH / Clan power) Where, Multipliers count is the number of blocks per day
If you want to receive BTC rewards after paying the maintenance, make sure your mining farm is up to date. The system makes the calculation based on the average energy efficiency of all your digital miners. With poor performance, the maintenance fees can take away all the mined Bitcoin from you.
Before the final payment to the players, the system takes into account all the discounts they have. The amount of discount for paying for the maintenance in GOMINING tokens, Farm level discount, as well as the discount for the Service Button is calculated exactly at 12 am UTC every Tuesday.
Users receive rewards for Miner Wars once a week, the maintenance fees in GOMINING tokens for the blocks won will be deducted also once a week for each separate round.
The prize pool in GOMINING tokens is tied to the Burn & Mint cycle and accumulates during the week from Tuesday to Tuesday. GOMINING is played between the digital miner holders who won the rounds in a personal competition.
The prize fund in GOMINING tokens is formed from three components:
Miner Wars prize pool — GOMINING tokens are allocated to this category every week due to the work of the GoMining veTokenomics. The veGOMINING vote holders decide by voting how many tokens will be given to this prize pool
97.5% of all GOMINING tokens used in Miner Wars to pay for boosts and spells also go to the prize pool. 2.5% of the tokens spent on game mechanics go to the development of Miner Wars
Additional GOMINING tokens will be added periodically as part of marketing campaigns
Just like BTC rewards, rewards in GOMINING tokens are paid to the winners’ virtual wallets once a week on Tuesdays according to the share of blocks mined by player, but in the personal competition.
Unlike BTC rewards, in the case of rewards in GOMINING tokens, the energy efficiency of the mining farm does not matter. This means that even owners of low-energy digital miners can receive rewards for winning personal battles.
11. Exclusion from the Clan and transfer of ownership rights to the Clan
If you are not the owner of the Clan, your membership can be revoked without explanation. If this happens, your mining farm will automatically be switched to Mining Mode. To continue playing, you need to switch to the Game Mode again, select a new Clan, and submit an application for participation.
If you are the creator of a Clan and play in the Pro League, in order to maintain ownership, you must have at least Gold I VIP status.
What happens if the VIP status drops below the required level?
If the VIP status changes more than 24 hours before the end of the cycle (Tuesday 12 am UTC), Clan ownership will remain with the current user until the end of the cycle. To maintain Clan ownership, the user must increase their VIP status to Gold I by this deadline. If the Clan Owner fails to meet this requirement, ownership will transfer to the member with the highest TH amount on the following Tuesday of the cycle
If the VIP status has decreased below Gold I less than 24 hours before the end of the cycle, then the user will have the rest of that day and another week before the end of the next cycle. If by this time the VIP status is not increased to Gold I or higher, Clan ownership will be transferred to another player with the largest amount of TH
If the Сlan Owner wishes to leave the Сlan, then ownership rights will also be assigned to the member of the team with the highest number of terahashes.
These rules apply to all Clans except those in which there is only one member who also acts as the Clan Creator.
Last updated