Trial period

1. What is the GoMining trial period?

The trial period allows new users to try BTC mining for 5 to 15 days with a Starter miner.

2. Who is eligible for the trial period?

Only new users who have never owned a digital miner or earned mining rewards can participate in the trial period.

3. What is a starter miner?

This is a miner with 16 TH power and 20 W/TH energy efficiency that is given to each user as part of a trial period for 5 to 15 days. It earns daily BTC rewards like a regular digital miner on GoMining. The ownership period of the starter miner depends on how you complete the trial period tasks.

4. How does the trial period work?

  • The Starter miner is issued for 5 days when the trial begins. During this time, it mines BTC for its holder every day

  • After the end of the first 5 days, you can extend the trial period for another 5 days. To do this, you need to purchase any miner via the Miner creation

  • After the end of the 10 days, the Starter miner continues to work for another additional 5 days for any upgrade of the purchased miner

While the Starter miner is active, a special banner displays information about the current task you need to complete to extend your Starter miner.

If you haven’t created your own digital miner within the first 5 days of the trial, the Starter miner will be disabled. The rewards from the Starter miner are stored for 180 days and will disappear if a purchase is not made within this time.

The number of days and other conditions of the Starter Miner may be changed at GoMining's discretion.

If needed, you can disable the trial on your own at any time.

5. How are the rewards from the Starter miner calculated?

Rewards are calculated the same way as for a regular digital miner. Your rewards and characteristics of the Starter Miner are displayed on the Miners, Rewards, and Dashboard pages.

You can use the discounts on the maintenance fees to earn more net rewards:

  • press the Service button in the Game section every day, and the maintenance discount will accumulate

  • pay for maintenance at a 10% with GOMINING tokens from your virtual wallet, the discount will apply to the Starter miner only if you have a purchased miner

  • the discount based on your Mining farm level is applied to the Starter miner by default

6. What are the limitations of the trial period?

The Starter miner functions like a regular miner but has a time limit and can’t be sold, upgraded, or minted.

  • The extra solo mining discount on maintenance is not valid for the Starter miner

  • The reinvestment feature can’t be enabled for the Starter miner

  • Trial period is unavailable If you purchase or import a miner before starting it

  • Rewards from the Starter miner cannot be withdrawn until a digital miner is created (purchased)

  • While the trial period is active, you can’t switch to Pool Mining mode

  • If no miner purchase is made after the 5-day period, the rewards will expire in 180 days unless you create a miner within this time. If created, rewards are treated as from regular miner

  • Importing a miner while the trial period is active will stop the Starter miner and all its rewards will be burned

Last updated