Pool mining

1. Who is a pool player?

A pool player is a user who owns a virtual miner and is a member or owner of a mining pool. Specifically, a solo miner becomes a player after joining a mining pool or creating his own mining pool.

2. What is a mining pool?

You can create your own mining pool or join someone else's pool. A mining pool is an analogue of clans, where there is an owner (the creator of the mining pool), a name, a logo, and members of the mining pool. The maximum number of pool members is 50 people.

Holders can choose how they receive their rewards: for Solo mining or for Pool mining.

For example, if you decide to switch to Pool mining, you'll stop receiving rewards for Solo mining as soon as you join the pool.

Or, if you switch to Solo mining, you'll start receiving rewards for holding miners only from the next day, and will not receive rewards for Pool mining.

The owner of the pool may not invite anyone to their pool, but play alone.

Pool owner gets an extra 1% of each reward of his pool if at least 4 people join it. The owner can invite to the pool, accept/reject requests to join and delete members of his mining pool.

The owner as well as each member can view the following information about the private mining pool: logo, name, date of creation, total number of virtual miners, total number of TH, list of all pool members and their individual values.

All players can view general information about each mining pool: logo, name, date of creation, total number of virtual miners, total number of TH.

3. How to become a player

You can become a player by joining or creating a mining pool.

  • To join a mining pool and become a pool member, you need to have at least 10 TH — it's the 3rd Mining farm level

  • To create your own mining pool and become a pool owner, you need to have at least 100 TH — it's the 5th Mining farm level

To switch from Solo mining to Pool mining modes, click the "Change game mode" button in the Game.

From the day you join or create a pool, you'll receive rewards only for playing in pool mode. That means you'll not get the Solo mining reward for the day you switched to Pool mining and played even 1 round. Your discounts on maintenance fees will remain.

Then you can check an overview of each mode and choose the one that suits you best.

If you don't have enough TH to join or create a pool, you can unlock these game modes by purchasing miners on our Marketplace.

4. What is the Game?

The game is the main feature of the personal account of the miner holder, who joined/сreated a private mining pool and became a player.

The game is designed to simulate real mining and depends on your pool's computing power. The more computing power your pool has, the more likely it will mine the current block.

5. What is a round?

The game consists of rounds. The beginning and end of the rounds are determined based on the real bitcoin blockchain.

In the real world, bitcoin mining is essentially a reward for finding (calculating) the next block in the chain. The point of our game is very similar.

We keep track of the real blocks in the bitcoin blockchain, get block closure data and, in the meantime, close our game round.

Round time may vary because the closing time for a real block is always different. This introduces additional intrigue to the gameplay. It is not difficult to calculate that players participate in 120-150 game rounds per day.

The end of a round is when our server receives information about the closing of a real block in the bitcoin network.

The start of a new round comes instantly after the end of the previous one.

6. Entry info for the start of the round

Before the start of each round we get the following data for each player:

  • The sum of the THs of all virtual miners for each player Each virtual miner has a computing power embedded in it

  • Mining farm level All players have their personal game level

7. Game mechanics

There are one thing that can increase your pool score — auto clicks.

  • Auto clicks are based on the personal Mining farm level. To calculate auto clicks, you don't have to do anything. Information about auto clicks is used to calculate the pool score.

8. Who wins and how

Mining pool score

At the close of the round, we count score of each pool.

  1. First, count the sum of all clicks for the players

all clicks = ∑ auto click rate * round time in seconds

2. Get personal scores for players

personal score = all clicks * player's TH

3. Calculate the mining pool score for each mining pool

pool's score = ∑ personal score * correction factor

Your chance to mine fully depends on the mining pool score of your pool divided by the sum of the mining pool scores of all pools in the game. The formula stands as follows:

chance to mine = the mining pool score of your pool / ∑ the mining pool score * 100%

The game involves mining pools, not players individually. So it's very important, just like in real bitcoin mining, to find a mining pool with active players, create a community around your mining pool, and cooperate as a team.


Once the mining pool score for each mining pool is calculated, we calculate a winner.

  1. We take the hash of the closed block and convert it to a value in decimal notation

For example, if a block is closed with a hash equal to 0000000000000000000002d306eca5333c80bce42c57cdfa32398e599d5519cc460

Its value in decimal notation is 270516535066034331572171579187041234861424580702815328

2. At the same time, we calculate the total score and distribute all the mining pools by intervals. The position of each pool for the interval table is calculated randomly each round.

total score = ∑ pool's score

pool's interval consists of start and end values:

pool's interval start = previous pool's score end

pool's interval end = ∑ previous pool's score + your pool's score

For example, there are three mining pools in the game: Pool A, Pool B, Pool C. Pool A has 40000 points (pool's score). Pool B has 60,000 points. Pool C has a score of 75,000. The interval table looks like this:

NamePool’s scorePool’s orderPool’s interval startPool’s interval end

Pool B





Pool A





Pool C





Total score


3. Find the quotient from dividing the hash in decimal notation by the total score.

In our case, the quotient from dividing is

270516535066034331572171579187041234861424580702815328 / 175000 = 144064

4. Look for the interval, which contains the value of the quotient of division, and determine the winner.

144064 is between 100000 and 175000, which tells us that Pool C is the winner of the round. So Pool C has mined the calculated block.

The game lasts indefinitely as long as the bitcoin blockchain works and its blocks are mined by real mining pools.

9. How to collect your rewards for mined blocks

About 144 blocks on the bitcoin network are usually closed in a day.

Rewards are calculated next day after the closing of the round. After the calculation they are automatically credited to your Bitcoin wallet, which you can add in the BTC Wallet section of your personal account.

We distribute rewards in BTC only. The ability to exchange BTC for crypto and/or fiat is determined by the market and the exchange rate is beyond our control

10. How personal reward is calculated

  1. First, we calculate the pool reward for each pool in the game. It depends on the complexity of the real bitcoin network, as well as the number of all players, their total computing power, and the number of game pools.

The more computing power is in the round, the more BTC rewards the winner gets. However, your mining reward could change from day to day depending on your pool's power.

2. Then we calculate the personal rewards of the players based on their shares of computing power in the pools.

player's reward = pool's reward / pool's total THs * player's THs

Player John is in Pool A. John owns 50% of his pool's computing power (my share = 50%). If his pool's reward is 0.05 BTC, John's (player's) reward is 0.025 BTC

3. And finally, we calculate the net reward for each player.

Our game miners, just like real miners, require maintenance, electricity and service fees. The fees are calculated in dollars, but paid in BTC, so sometimes, with a high complexity network and low BTC value, C1 and C2 can take up to 80-85% of your reward.

That's why we've introduced several passive game mechanics that can cut down the fees you pay. They are available for Pool mining as well as for Solo mining.

net player's reward = player's reward - (C1 + C2) * (1 - total discount)

C1 + C2 — maintenace fees

total discount — sum of the discounts for Maintenance in GOMINING, your Mining farm level and clicking the "Service" button

For example, John got 1.5% discount for "Service" button clicks, 0.9% discount for his Mining farm level, and 10% discount for Maintenance in GOMINING. His total player's discount is 12.4%. Thus, John pays 87.6% of the maintenance fees.

11. How often are the rewards distributed?

Rewards are distributed daily. If your daily amount of personal rewards is less than 10,000 Satoshi (0.0001 BTC), it's saved on your virtual balance. And so until the balance will accumulate at least 10,000 Satoshi (0.0001 BTC) — then all accumulated rewards will be transferred to your real BTC wallet.

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